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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Chapter 2 Research

The 1970 Bhola Cyclone was a tropical Cyclone that occurred in East Pakistan (present day Bangladesh), and India's West Bengal.  Almost 500,000 people lost their lives due to this cyclone.  As a result, over 490 million dollars of damage occurred.  85% of homes were destroyed. Crops were destroyed. Many local small businesses were forced to shut down for good.  Some business in the area on the larger scale, were forced to close for the weeks after the event  but eventually some reopened for business as the cleanup process began to reach it's peak.  The storm surge devastated many of the offshore islands, wiping out villages and destroying crops throughout the region.  East Pakistan was forced to use whatever resources they had available to them which was very little.  Because of the lack of resources available, they had to borrow from India and Afghanistan. This storm affects today because the spot where this storm hit is not even owned by East Pakistan anymore, so therefore, current day Bangladesh has to pay for any damages that are still there that they want replaced.  The nearby vicinity and most of the villages were the only area's the was truly affected by the disaster.

Image result for bhola cyclone
Image result for bhola cyclone

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